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Former Baltimore Top Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Faces Sentencing And Asset Forfeiture Hearing


Former Baltimore Top Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Faces Sentencing and Asset Forfeiture Hearing

Convicted on Perjury Charges

Former Baltimore Top Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Sentencing and Asset Forfeiture Hearing Set for May 23rd

Former Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby will be sentenced and have an asset forfeiture hearing on May 23rd. Mosby was convicted in January on four charges related to perjury and making false statements on a mortgage application. The sentencing hearing will determine the length of her prison sentence and whether she will be required to forfeit any assets.

Mosby rose to national prominence in 2015 when she charged six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died while in police custody. The charges were later dropped, and Mosby has been criticized for her handling of the case.

Mosby is the first sitting Baltimore prosecutor to be convicted of a crime in more than a century. Her conviction has raised questions about the future of the city's criminal justice system and the role of prosecutors in holding police accountable for misconduct.

